Friday, December 23, 2005

speaking beasts on christmas eve

According to European folklore, animals are given the power of speech for one hour on Christmas Eve. I firmly believed this as a child, but each year brought only another fruitless attempt at conversing with our Collie.

You’ve probably heard about this before, but you can read about it here, here, or any number of other places on the Internet.

I only wish that I had access to a loquacious kinkajou tomorrow night, as my own beasts tend to use their hour for an airing of grievances.
don't believe him
It should be noted that talking animals do not always speak the truth.


Blogger Nashville Knucklehead said...

My dog talks to me all the time. The other day she accused me of being a "pompous dandy and a fop." I think she's british.

3:37 PM  

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